Whilst the news is full of stories about hacks on large corporations or governments, hackers are increasingly targeting schools as a lucrative source of data. The rapid adoption and use of technology in schools has meant that many schools have expanded their attack surface without having the necessary cyber defences to defend it, allowing hackers the ability to exploit vulnerabilities in schools IT systems. Schools collect and store a significant amount of personal information and sensitive personal information, including student records, staff records, financial data, disciplinary action, psychological reports, and health information. The disclosure of this information on the dark web can be detrimental to parents, students, and teachers for years to come.
In the last few years Australia has seen several schools reporting cyber incidents including:
This increase in attacks targeting schools has been recognised as a wider global cyber trend. Air Marshal Darren Goldie, Australia’s National Cyber Security Co-Ordinator, speaking at an event to kick off the ACSC’s Cyber Security Awareness Month for 2023 noted that “schools are becoming more prominent targets…. We’re seeing this play out in the US where is a significant problem”[4].
Whilst it is difficult to obtain actual statistics on how many schools have been affected by cyber attacks as only a minority are reported, Emsisoft, a US cyber security firm, have found that in the United States 108 K-12 school districts were impacted by a ransomware attacks in 2023, that number had increased from 45 in 2022 and 62 in 2021. Furthermore, the United States Government Accountability Office published a report in October 2022 found that schools are reporting the loss of learning time from a cyber attack to be in the range of 3 days to 3 weeks, but that recovery time can take as long as 9 months[5].
Schools are facing a significant crisis from cyber attacks especially ransomware attacks. A cyber security incident can expose schools to several legal risks including:
Following on from a cyber attack, schools may also look to determine who is at fault, given the interconnectedness of IT systems and the prevalence of third party software providers as part of the school digital ecosystem the risk of third party supply chains is significant. For example the largest ransomware attack in 2023 arose from the MOVEit vulnerability where cybercriminals used a vulnerability in file transfer software to steal data.
Whilst schools are under attack, having lawyers who can assist to navigate this complex regulatory and risk landscape can be a tool in the cyber defence arsenal. FAL can assist schools with:
Regulatory Compliance: FAL can assist schools comply with the relevant laws such as the Privacy Act, the Australian Consumer Law, and the computer crime provisions of the Commonwealth Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), including drafting policies and procedures to support such compliance.
[1] https://www.itnews.com.au/news/newcastle-grammar-school-reveals-post-mortem-of-ransomware-infection-569610
[2] https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/hackers-leak-16-000-aussie-school-kids-info-20230407-p5cyyl
[3] https://www.theage.com.au/national/victoria/hundreds-of-parents-hit-by-credit-card-hack-at-lilydale-school-20230131-p5cgty.html
[4] https://news.nab.com.au/news/cyber-attacks-know-no-boundaries-and-the-front-line-of-defence-starts-with-us-all/
[5] United States Government Accountability Office ‘Critical Infrastructure Protection, Additional Federal Coordination is needed to enhance K-12 Cybersecurity” https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-23-105480.pdf