


For the first time in its history, Apple has been rated as the world’s most valuable brand, followed by Google. Meanwhile Coca Cola, a company who has been in the lead for many years, has fallen to third place.

Apple was only rated 36th when Interbrand[1] prepared its first brand ratings in 2000. However, global successes with the iPod, iPad and the iPhone have seen Apple increase its brand value 15 fold and therefore claim the top spot in just 13 years. Over the last 12 months, Apple’s value has increased 28% per cent and it is currently worth USD$98,316 million (around AUD$103,000 million).

The remaining brands that have made it to the Top 10 are IBM, Microsoft, GE, McDonalds, Samsung, Intel and Toyota.

It is known that a trade mark can be a company’s most valuable asset. But how do we quantify how much an intangible asset such as a trade mark is worth? In the first place, the earning power of the brand will have to be estimated, but this is not a straightforward process either. There are a number of factors to take into account, including future projections, expected profits, market dynamics, consumer perception, industry experts’ opinion and even common sense.

There are no set rules to measure the value of a brand, but undoubtedly, having a strong brand increases the value of a company and its reputation, provides motivation to employees and generates new business.

[1] http://www.interbrand.com/en/best-global-brands/2013/Best-Global-Brands-2013.aspx

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