
Peter Francis

Managing Partner

B. Juris LLB, Grad Dip (IP Law) 


Peter is a Partner of FAL Lawyers and established the firm along with Jenni Lightowlers, prior to which, he led the in-house legal team at Sirotech, the then commericalisation arm of CSIRO. He is one of Australia’s pre-eminent lawyers on technology commercialisation and is considered to be a ‘true expert with years of experience’, ‘particularly esteemed in non-contentious circles for his dexterous handling of commercialisation work for research organisations and technology developers’ (IAM Licensing 250, 2011/2012, IAM Patent 1000, 2012).


Peter has more than 20 years’ experience advising listed companies, Commonwealth and State government agencies, Cooperative Research Centres, higher education providers, SMEs, not-for-profit funded research bodies and healthcare organisations.

Areas of Expertise

  • Contracts & Agreements
  • Corporate Structuring/Transition
  • Corporate Governance
  • Grants/Capital Fund Raising
  • Mediation and Dispute Resolution
  • Intellectual Property
  • Information Technology
  • Patent & Technology Commercialisation
  • Plant Breeder’s Rights
  • Trade Marks & Brand Strategy
  • IP Litigation & Dispute Resolution
  • Taxation Exemptions

Professional Involvement

  • Director, Benitec Biopharma Limited

  • Chairman, Wounds Innovation Limited

  • Director, Australian Stroke Alliance. 
  • Director, JourneyTech 

Awards and Recognition

  • IAM Patent 1000 (2012): World’s leading patent licensing practitioners

  • IAM Licensing 250 (2011-2012): World’s leading patent & technology licensing lawyers